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filename - Static variable in class gallery.database.entities.Photograph_
FileOperations - Class in gallery.servlets
Operations on files.
filepath - Static variable in class gallery.database.entities.Location_
filesize - Static variable in class gallery.database.entities.Photograph_
find(Long) - Method in class gallery.beans.AbstractBean
Retrieves an identity.
find(Long) - Method in class gallery.beans.CommentBean
Retrieves a Comment.
find(Long) - Method in class gallery.beans.GalleryBean
Retrieves a Gallery.
find(Long) - Method in class gallery.beans.GalleryPhotographBean
Retrieves a GalleryPhotograph.
find(Long) - Method in class gallery.beans.LocationBean
Retrieves a Location.
find(Long) - Method in class gallery.beans.PhotographBean
Retrieves a Photograph.
find(String) - Method in class gallery.beans.TagBean
Retrieves a Tag.
findAll() - Method in class gallery.beans.AbstractBean
Retrieve all instances of the entity.
findAll() - Method in class gallery.beans.CommentBean
findAll() - Method in class gallery.beans.GalleryBean
Retrieves all galleries ordered by id (with a parent, if they have one).
findAll() - Method in class gallery.beans.GalleryPhotographBean
findAll() - Method in class gallery.beans.LocationBean
findAll() - Method in class gallery.beans.PhotographBean
findAll() - Method in class gallery.beans.TagBean
findDoubleUsedPhotographs() - Method in class gallery.beans.PhotographBean
Provides a list of Photographs that are assigned more than once.
findRange(int[]) - Method in class gallery.beans.AbstractBean
TODO: an array? Seems weird.
findRange(Integer, Integer) - Method in class gallery.beans.CommentBean
findRange(Integer, Integer) - Method in class gallery.beans.GalleryBean
findRange(Integer, Integer) - Method in class gallery.beans.GalleryPhotographBean
findRange(Integer, Integer) - Method in class gallery.beans.LocationBean
findRange(int[], Log.LogLevel) - Method in class gallery.beans.LogBean
findRange(Integer, Integer) - Method in class gallery.beans.PhotographBean
findRange(Integer, Integer) - Method in class gallery.beans.TagBean
firstPage() - Method in class gallery.admin.util.PaginationHelper